Supreme Court Seal
Supreme Court Seal
South Carolina
Judicial Branch

Rule 16

Duties of the Parties, Representatives and Attorneys
Early Neutral Evaluation

(a)  Attendance. Attendance shall be required pursuant to Rule 6(b) of these rules.

(b)  Identification of Matters in Dispute. The evaluator may require, prior to the scheduled early neutral evaluation conference, that each party provide a brief memorandum setting forth its position with regard to the issues to be resolved. The memorandum should be no more than five (5) pages in length unless otherwise authorized by the evaluator. Such memoranda shall be exchanged by the parties at the same time and in the same manner as the memoranda are furnished to the evaluator.

(c)  Cooperation. The parties and their representatives shall cooperate with the evaluator.

Added by Order dated April 30, 2012.