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Supreme Court Seal
South Carolina
Judicial Branch
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The Supreme Court of South Carolina

Re: Amendments to South Carolina Bar Constitution 


Pursuant to Rule 410(c), South Carolina Appellate Court Rules, we approve amendments to the South Carolina Bar Constitution submitted by the South Carolina Bar.  The amendments reduce the number of At Large Members of the Board of Governors from three members to two members, and reduce the terms of each At Large Member from three years to two years.

These amendments shall be effective immediately.  A copy of the amended portions of the South Carolina Bar Constitution is attached.


s/Jean H. Toal                                    C.J.

s/Costa M. Pleicones                             J.

s/Donald W. Beatty                                J.

s/John W. Kittredge                                J.

Hearn, J., not participating. 

Columbia, South Carolina
June 23, 2011

Sections 7.2 and 7.3 of the South Carolina Bar Constitution are hereby amended as follows:

Section 7.2 Composition. The Board of Governors is com�posed of the President, the Pres�i�dent-Elect, the �Imme�di�ate Past Pres�i�dent, the Sec�re�tary, the Trea�sur�er, the president-elect and im�me�di�ate past pres�i�dent of the Young Lawyers �Division, a representative of the Senior Lawyers Division, and the Chair� of the House of Del�e�gates, all of whom shall be mem�bers ex officio, togeth�er with two mem�bers (the "elect�ed mem�bers") from each judi�cial region and two additional mem�bers (the "at large mem�bers") who shall be elect�ed as here�in�af�ter pro�vid�ed.

Section 7.3 Eligibility and Term. To be eligible for election to the Board of Gov�er�nors a member must be a res�i�dent (as qual�i�fied by Sec�tion 2.2) of the ju�di�cial region from which he is elect�ed. The term of an elected mem�ber of the Board is three or�ga�ni�za�tion years, begin�ning the day after the close of the Annual Meeting following his elec�tion. The elected mem�bers of the Board shall serve stag�gered terms of three years each, i.e., two or three new members of the Board of Gov�er�nors shall be elect�ed each year to re�place the mem�bers whose terms ex�pire, and shall not be eli�gi�ble to suc�ceed them�selves ex�cept as pro�vid�ed in Sec�tion 7.4 be�low. The at large mem�bers shall serve stag�gered terms of two years each and shall not be eligible to suc�ceed themselves. Before as�sum�ing the office of Pres�i�dent, the Pres�i�dent-Elect shall ap�point with the ap�prov�al of the Board of Gov�er�nors an at large mem�ber whose term will begin on the day after the close of the Annual Meeting. The representative from the Senior Lawyers Division shall serve a term of two years and shall be elected by a vote of two-thirds or more of the Division's Executive Council.