Supreme Court Seal
Supreme Court Seal
South Carolina
Judicial Branch
Court of Appeals - Roster of Cases for Hearing


The summary below each case is prepared to offer lawyers and the public a general overview of what issues are included in a case which will be argued. The summary is not a limit on what issues a party to a case may present at oral argument.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020
 10:00 a.m. (Time Limits: 10-10-5)  
2017-002130   The State, Respondent, v. Randy Wright, Appellant.

Joanna Katherine Delany, of Columbia, for Appellant. Attorney General Alan McCrory Wilson and Senior Assistant Deputy Attorney General Deborah R.J. Shupe, both of Columbia, for Respondent. Solicitor Scarlett Anne Wilson, of Charleston, for Respondent.

Randy Wright appeals his conviction of ABHAN, arguing the trial judge committed reversible error in refusing to recall the jurors for an individual and separate poll of their verdict upon the defendant's timely request for one.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020
 10:00 a.m.
2019-000287   Melanie Maddox, Appellant, v. Richard Carroll and Charity Carroll, Respondents.

Matthew M. Billingsley, of S.C. Legal Services, of N. Charleston, for Appellant. Bronte Marie Anelli, of S.C. Legal Services, of Conway, for Appellant. Julaan Derrick, of Julaan Derrick, Attorney at Law, of Conway, for Respondents. George M. Hearn, Jr., of Hearn & Hearn, PA, of Conway, for Respondents. Kathleen Wrenn Hearn, of Hearn & Hearn, PA, of Conway, for Respondent Charity Carroll. Johnny Gardner, of Johnny Gardner Law Firm, P.A., of Conway, for Respondents.

Melanie Maddox appeals an order terminating her parental rights to her son and granting his adoption by Respondents. On appeal, Maddox argues the family court erred in finding she willfully failed to visit because she substantially complied with a prior order setting forth requirements for visitation. She also contends the family court erred in finding termination of parental rights and adoption by Respondents was in her child's best interest.

Cases to be Submitted Without Oral Argument
2018-001756    Desmond Mayo, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-001205    Brian Z. Morton, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-002042    Joseph O. Morant, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2019-000208    Thomas E. DuBose, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-000279    Cliston John Bellamy, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-002066    Charles J. Davis, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-001245    Robert Woods, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2019-000290    Michelle S. Allison, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-000883    Jonquay Rakee McCombs, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-002147    Isaac Williams, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-002030    Jamie Mishoe, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2019-000140    Brandon Bartley, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-000194    Donald R. Dollard, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-000648    Devin Jamahl Sims, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-000956    Timothy Townsend, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-001222    William Richard Greene, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-000843    Halden Hollman, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2019-000139    Shaquean Newjean Lewis, Petiitoner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-002207    Vaughn Hilliard, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-000731    Billy L. Alford, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2019-000039    Izell D. Hair, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-000195    Doni Terrele Anderson, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-001778    Jamie Ray Lewis, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-001946    William R. Pearson, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-000609    Alexander Maldonado Coreano, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-002182    Willie Marquis Stevenson, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-001560    DeAndre Tyshun Foster, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.

2018-001816    Michael Peterson, Petitioner, v. State of South Carolina, Respondent.