Supreme Court Seal
Supreme Court Seal
South Carolina
Judicial Branch

The Supreme Court of South Carolina

Re: Amendments to Rules 207 and 607, South Carolina Appellate Court Rules

Appellate Case No. 2017-002059


On January 31, 2018, this Court submitted an order amending Rules 207 and 607 of the South Carolina Appellate Court Rules to the General Assembly pursuant to Article V, Section 4A of the South Carolina Constitution.  Since ninety days have passed since submission without rejection by the General Assembly, the amendments are effective immediately.


s/Donald W. Beatty                         C.J.

s/John W. Kittredge                            J.

s/Kaye G. Hearn                                 J.

s/John Cannon Few                            J.

s/George C. James, Jr.                        J.

Columbia, South Carolina
May 1, 2018


The Supreme Court of South Carolina

Re: Amendments to Rules 207 and 607, South Carolina Appellate Court Rules

Appellate Case No. 2017-002059


Pursuant to Article V, § 4 of the South Carolina Constitution, Rules 207 and 607 of the South Carolina Appellate Court Rules are amended as provided in the attachment to this order.  These amendments shall be submitted to the General Assembly as provided by Article V, § 4A of the South Carolina Constitution.


s/Donald W. Beatty                         C.J.

s/John W. Kittredge                            J.

s/Kaye G. Hearn                                 J.

s/John Cannon Few                            J.

s/George C. James, Jr.                        J.

Columbia, South Carolina
January 31, 2018

Rule 207(a), South Carolina Appellate Court Rules, is amended to provide:

RULE 207

(a) Appeals From a Lower Court.

(1) Ordering the Transcript. Where a transcript of the proceeding must be prepared by the court reporter, appellant shall, within the time provided for ordering the transcript, make satisfactory arrangements (including agreement regarding payment for the transcript), in writing with the court reporter for furnishing the transcript. In appeals from the court of common pleas, masters-in-equity, special referees or the family court in domestic actions, the transcript must be ordered within ten (10) days after the date of service of the notice of appeal. In appeals from the court of general sessions or the family court in juvenile actions, the transcript must be ordered within thirty (30) days of the date of service of the notice of appeal. Appellant shall contemporaneously furnish all parties, the Office of Court Administration, and the clerk of the appellate court with copies of all correspondence with the court reporter. The court reporter must acknowledge receipt of the request by responding to the appellant within five business days. Where required by paragraph (a)(7) and by Order of the Supreme Court, copies of all correspondence must also be provided by electronic means. Unless the parties otherwise agree in writing, appellant must order a transcript of the entire proceedings below. If a party to the appeal unjustifiably refuses to agree to ordering less than the entire transcript, appellant may move to be awarded costs for having unnecessary portions transcribed; this motion must be made no later than the time the final briefs are due under Rule 211.

(2) Delivery of Transcript. The court reporter shall transcribe and deliver the transcript to appellant no later than sixty (60) days after the date of the request. Records shall be transcribed by the court reporter in the order in which the requests for transcripts are made.

(3) Extension for Court Reporter. If a court reporter anticipates continuous engagement in the performance of other official duties which make it impossible to prepare a transcript in compliance with this Rule, the reporter shall promptly notify the Office of Court Administration by submitting a Court-approved Notice of Request for Extension form. The Office of Court Administration may grant up to three (3) extensions for a total of up to ninety (90) days. An extension in excess of ninety (90) days shall not be allowed except by order of the Chief Justice.

(4) Notice of Extension. Upon the granting of any extension of time for delivery of the transcript, the Office of Court Administration shall notify all parties and the clerk of the appellate court.

(5) Failure to Receive Transcript. If appellant has not received the transcript within the allotted time nor received notification of an extension within ten (10) days after the allotted time, appellant shall notify the Office of Court Administration, the clerk of the appellate court, and the court reporter in writing.

(6) Failure to Comply. The willful failure of a court reporter to comply with the provisions of this Rule shall constitute contempt of court enforceable by order of the Chief Justice.

(7) Electronic Notification. In addition to providing notice as set forth above in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(5), where an appellant is represented by counsel, counsel shall provide copies of all correspondence with a court reporter via electronic means as specified by Order of the Supreme Court. Court reporters shall also provide copies of all correspondence and extension requests via electronic means as specified by Order of the Supreme Court.

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Rule 607, South Carolina Appellate Court Rules, is amended to provide:

RULE 607

(a) Applicability. This rule is applicable to court reporter transcripts and tapes relating to proceedings before the family and circuit court, to include proceedings before masters-in-equity. A court reporter for such a proceeding, regardless whether the court reporter is a Judicial Department employee or a private court reporter, shall comply with the requirements of this rule.

(b) Ordering Transcripts. Transcripts of proceedings which are needed for an appeal or appellate review of a post-conviction relief action before the Supreme Court or Court of Appeals shall be ordered as provided by Rules 207(a) or 243(b), SCACR. In all other cases, the request for the transcript shall be made, in writing, to the court reporter, and a copy of the request shall be served as provided by Rule 262(b), SCACR, on all parties to the proceeding which is to be transcribed and, if the transcript is requested for use in another case, on all parties in that case. A copy of the request shall also be provided to the Office of Court Administration. If the request is made by an attorney, the attorney shall provide copies of all correspondence via electronic means as specified in Rule 207(a)(7) and by Order of the Supreme Court. The names and addresses of all persons who are to be served with a copy shall be included on the request for the transcript. The court reporter must acknowledge receipt of the request by responding to the person making the request within five business days, and provide a copy to the Office of Court Administration as specified in Rule 207(a)(7) and by Order of the Supreme Court.

(c) Preparation of Transcript. The transcript shall be prepared in the manner prescribed by the Court Reporters Manual published by the Office of Court Administration.

(d) Delivery of Transcripts. A court reporter shall transcribe and deliver the transcript no later than sixty (60) days after the date of the request. Records shall be transcribed by the court reporter in the order in which the requests for transcripts are made; provided, however, that requests to transcribe post-conviction relief proceedings challenging a sentence of death shall be given priority as provided by S.C. Code Ann. § 17-27-160(E).

(e) Extension of Time to Deliver. If a court reporter anticipates continuous engagement in the performance of other official duties which make it impossible to prepare a transcript within the time specified in (d) above, the reporter shall promptly notify the Office of Court Administration by submitting a Court-approved Notice of Request for Extension form. The Office of Court Administration may grant up to three extensions for a total of up to ninety (90) days. Extensions in excess of ninety days (90) days shall not be allowed except by order of the Chief Justice.

(f) Notice of Extension. Upon the granting of any extension of time for delivery of the transcript, the Office of Court Administration shall notify the parties and, if the transcript has been requested for an appeal or other proceeding before the Supreme Court or the Court of Appeals, the Clerk of that Court.

(g) Failure to Receive Transcript. If the requesting party has not received the transcript within the allotted time nor received notification of an extension within ten (10) days after the allotted time, the requesting party shall notify, in writing, the Office of Court Administration, the court reporter and, if the transcript has been requested for an appeal or other proceeding before the Supreme Court or the Court of Appeals, the Clerk of that Court. If the request was made by an attorney, the attorney shall also provide notice via electronic means as provided in Rule 207(a)(7) and by Order of the Supreme Court.

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